Discolor (2023)

Directed, edited, shot by Soren Harrison


May’s always humming something (2023)

Directed, edited, shot by Harrison Li


Midtown (2022)

Directors - Harrison Li + Drake Li

Editors - Harrison Li + Drake Li

Shot by - Sydney Villacortabuer, Rich Smith, Harrison Li


Director- Drake Li and Harrison Li

Producer- Loies Kim

Director of Photography- Patrick Elmore

Color- Harrison Li, Patrick Elmore

Cast- Jane Ha, Loni Dunn

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Director, Producer, Editor, DP - Drake Li

Set Design- Drake Li, Harrison Li, James Ivy, Caleb Flood, Georell Magno

Cast- Ella Snyder, James Ivy, Georell Magno, Caleb Flood, Instupendo, Bridget Lai, Jude Ciulla, Henry Weingartner

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